CO2 Performance Ladder

CO2 Performance Ladder

To actually achieve the targets, we use the CO2 Performance Ladder to check where we stand and where our action points are to act CO2-consciously in our operations and in the execution of our projects. The main focus areas are fuel savings making efficient use of materials and achieving an energy transition. We’re doing this not only for ourselves but also for our customers.

The CO2 performance scale has four perspectives:

  • Insight: Our fleet is our main concern
  • CO2 reduction: At least 40% reduction by 2030 compared to 2018
  • Transparency (internal and external): Further develop scope 3 and support customers and suppliers in their energy transition
  • Participation in CO2 initiatives: learning and sharing is in our DNA

Want to know more?

Read our annual report or visit the SKAO website:

Download our reports here:

Level 3 certificate in the CO2 Performance Ladder

We have received the CO2 Performance Ladder certificate for our CO2 greenhouse gas reduction efforts. BCCA carried out the audit and awarded us the Level 3 certificate on the CO2 performance scale.

Download our various certificates here: